Thursday, July 21, 2016

Alive, kind of

I never know what to write in these...

Hey, no, the project is not dead, no, I'm not dead either. There was a small hiatus of one month before but this is still in development.

Development is still ongoing, though a bit slower now due to my multiple jobs and me wanting to keep this more as a hobby project rather than something to get money out of. If you have been following Patreon or my posts around you'll know that this project is no longer the focus of my Patreon, instead I will be making animations there in exchange for donations, and the money obtained from that will be directed to game development.

It's better than showing screenshots or putting out broken versions and getting money from that monthly...

I'm trying to get a demo out whenever I can work on this. My focus for now is to at least release a full dungeon/city/area and let people play that without content missing for that particular part of the game. I plan on releasing that and then the full demo. Full demo should have 2 zones and about 10+ animations and scenes.

Meanwhile I should be showing more stuff here. At least some screenshots, scrapped artworks and rejected animation attempts since there are a lot of those.

1 comment:

  1. It's cake~ keep your morale up, we'll keep on waiting!
    also whats your favorite cup noodle brand?
