Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Sprites sprites

 New sprite size and format for exploration and overworld

Not a lot to show other than the new sprites for the game, about 2x the size compared to the past models. Too many clothes to make for them so I couldn't finish in time for this post sadly.

Old models and sprites

 And new art for the MC which might or might not change before the final demo.

I hired a CG artist to help make the keyframes for animations in the game, the first scene has already been sketched and is in the process of being moved to pixelation and animation so maybe I'll show those for the next post.

Nothing much to say other than progress is a bit slow. No deadline for this yet, especially with maps and models being bigger so please be patient with this project.


  1. Oh god, all the money you make from commissions go into paying for your game, that is free... I wish passion could feed and shelter us.
